Florists’ Review

Florists’ Review has been serving the floral industry since 1897. It was the first floral magazine to use photography rather than sketches.

Florists’ Review has been serving members of the floral industry for over 120 years. This trade magazine, first established by Gilbert Leonard Grant in 1897 as The Weekly Florists’ Review, was the first magazine in the floral industry to use photography rather than sketches.


Popular Features

Some of the most popular features in Florists' Review include:

On the Level with Neville

Featuring the very popular Neville Mackay, CAFA, PFCI, a highly talented retailer and floral designer known throughout the industry for his creative flare, quality workmanship and entertaining personality. Neville also owns and operates a highly respected flower shop in Halifax called “My Mother’s Bloomers”.


American Floral Trends Forecast

Since 2004 this biennial trends forecast is the most respected report on U.S. floral design trends. It is a valuable resource and inspiration wellspring for designers that anticipates consumer style preferences and buying behaviors.


Florist Spotlight

An in-depth look at a diiferent shop each issue.


Subscription Information

When you buy your first issue of Florist's Review, you can subscribe to future issues for 50% off. If you are at any point considering cancelling your subscription, you can do so at any time, as Florist's Review will never charge you for an order without your permission.


Florists can sign up for a free digital magazine and and weekly e-newsletter. They can also influence which types of e-mails they recieve. 


Florists can purchase a print subscription and receive a new issue of Florist's Review in the mail every month. These magazines are very popular in flower shops and passed between designers to share ideas.


Florists’ Review

[email protected]

2720 NE 15th Street Suite 403
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

Last Updated: 05/29/2021