Romanian Florist Association (AADF) | Romania

Romanian Florist Association (AADF) is the official association of florists in Romania

About AADF (The Association of Enterprises in the Florist Field)

 The association consists of florists, flower creation workshops, importers of flowers and accessories, producers, growers. Together, they want to be able to strengthen the image of the floristic field as a new type of industry.

 AADF is a candidate member of FLORINT (International Florist Organization), a non-profit organization that brings together florist associations from over 20 European countries.


Romanian Florist Association

Cluj County, Cluj-Napoca Mun, Str. Brăduțului no. 25
ap. 52 CIF: 34692097 of 24.06.2015

Last Updated: 07/20/2024