Danish Florist Association (Danske Blomsterhandlere) | Denmark

The Danish Florist Association (Danske Blomsterhandlere) is the official association of florists in Denmark.

All skilled and flower-loving florists are welcome at Danske Blomsterhandlere. They want to inspire each other. And they want to share the benefits of the community with as many people as possible. Since the year 1900, they have grown big. Today, 500 good members are members of the association.


Danske Blomsterhandlere
4343 4747

[email protected]

Park Alle 380 2625 Vallensbæk

Last Updated: 04/08/2021


This organization is a member of FLORINT, an international non-profit group that represents and supports the florist associations of the world, improves the businesses of floral entrepreneurs and nurtures the flower industry as a whole.