Norwegian Florist Association | Norway

Norwegian Florist Association is the official association of florists in Norway

About Interflora

In Norway, Interflora consists of about 400 specialist florists. We are affiliated with Interflora Inc., the world's largest flower suppliers. Interflora is owned by the florists themselves, and this means that they themselves decide how the organization is to be run.

As a flower decorator, it is not only the bindery that counts, but also the ability to run a shop in a responsible way, both financially, marketing and management. Together, NBF and Interflora have therefore developed a number of courses and training offers for members.


Norwegian Florist Association
66 85 75 00

Interflora Norge SA Billingstadsletta 13
1396 Billingstad

Last Updated: 04/08/2021


This organization is a member of FLORINT, an international non-profit group that represents and supports the florist associations of the world, improves the businesses of floral entrepreneurs and nurtures the flower industry as a whole.