Merchant Services (Credit Card Clearing)
Choosing a merchant services provider, the company that clears your credit cards, is one of the most important decisions a florist can make. It's also one of the trickiest with a number of different factors coming in to play.
Although FloristWare can work with almost any merchant services provider things get more complicated if you want to start getting in to things like chip & PIN terminals, Apple Pay/Google Wallet etc. With this in mind we encourage, even beg, our clients to call FloristWare Support at 888.531.3012 x1 to discuss before making any decisions or commitments.
In fact this is so important we're happy to have the conversation with any florist, even if they are not a client.
Mapping/Driver Tracking/Delivery App
FloristWare includes an excellent floral mapping/routing feature and mobile delivery app but some shops who have a very high delivery volume (100+ deliveries a day) and/or are interested in live GPS tracking of their drivers choose to use our OnFleet integration for florists instead. Please contact us and we will put you in tourch with an OnFleet representative,
Enclosure Cards/Tickets
FloristWare offers an unprecedented number of enclosure card/ticket/worksheet formats and customization options. If you would like to order blank enclosure cards from your local printer we can provide them with templates and guidance. Many of our clients choose to order from specialty supplier to the floral industry WestRock (formerly known as Multi Packaging Solutions and the John Henry Company) because of their large stock of ready-to-go items and low minimums.
We do ask that all clients let us take a look at any proofs before they sign off, just to make sure everything is laid out properly. Mistakes sometimes do happen, but this step can help prevent them.