Crockett Myers is a very special accounting firm. They help florists from across the USA make more money and pay less taxes while keeping their long term financial plans on track and helping them feel in better control of their businesses and expenses. They also strive to strengthen the financial literacy of florists so they feel empowered by their financial statements and are not intimidated or discouraged by them.
Crockett Myers helps florists of all sizes and cares deeply about the floral community. They are active members/participants in many state and national floral associations.
Their President, Derrick P. Myers CPA, CFA, is one of the very best business speaker/trainers in the floral industry, and frequently shares his knowledge at industry events. He is also a regular contributor to Floral Management magazine.
New Feature: Crockett Myers Accounting Report
The new Crockett Myers Accounting Report makes life even easier for their clients. With just a couple of clicks FloristWare will automatically prepare and send the reports Derrick & his team need.
Educational Programs From Derrick Myers of Crockett Myers
Derrick introduces new sessions and on a regular basis but some of his most popular and time-tested business sessions for florists include:
Treasure Hunt: Finding Your Hidden Profits
Even the most resourceful and bottom-line oriented retailers often have a goldmine of unrealized profit buried in their costs. This session covers a topic that most retailers love to hate: cutting costs. Derrick examines the six main cost centers of a flower shop for an eye-opening look at cost of goods sold, labor, delivery, occupancy, marketing and wire service business.
- How to understand — and use — formulas and worksheets to improve your profit.
- Time-tested cost control techniques used by hundreds of profitable florists.
- The most common — and detrimental — black holes of lost profits in every business.
Incentive Plans that Recruit, Motivate and Retain Teams
A business’s long-term ability to recruit and retain top talent is dependent on how it rewards its team. Floral businesses with solid incentive programs in place are finding they can compete with large corporations for talent and enjoy higher sales and profits. Geared toward owners and employees alike, this session sheds light on how and why incentive plans achieve business goals — including greater employee satisfaction — and how to identify areas in your business that an incentive program could improve. Discover how an incentive program revolutionized one florist’s business and how you can scale a program based on your business size and model.
- How to structure an incentive program for different positions – and use your financial statement to formulate your plan.
- How “blended” programs can work for teams that work across multiple departments.
- How to avoid the typical missteps of bonus and incentive programs.