Should Florists Advertise In Telephone Directories?

Advertising in phone directories like the Yellow Pages was long considered essential for florists but new research shows it may no longer be effective.

Should Florists Advertise In Telephone Directories?

It's hard for small businesses to get their name in front of customers. One tried and true method was using paid advertising in telephone directories like the Yellow Pages listings but, in today’s crowded marketplace, many businesses are discovering their marketing dollars are better spent elsewhere.
According to a recent article by Business in Vancouver, Yellow Pages LTD has been using verbal contracts of questionable validity and lawsuits to strong-arm businesses into paying bills they are not sure they agreed to in the first place. Moreover, many of the businesses sued by Yellow Pages claimed to have received almost no new business from their listing.

The bottom line is there are more cost efficient ways to market your business, but how do you figure out which one is best for your shop? For florists who want to maximize their advertising efforts, FloristWare offers powerful marketing tools like the AdTracker feature to help.

Used properly it clearly shows what sales volume is generated by each marketing effort, the efficiency of that effort (in terms of sales volume generated vs money spent) and then ranks them in terms of efficiency. It's the kind of actionable insight that FloristWare strives for – a simple report that makes it easy to make profitable decisions. And, for many florists, that was the realization that directory advertising was not a good investment.

The best part about AdTracker is that by not spending money on things that don’t work (like directory advertising) and redirecting that money to something that does (like local radio ads or a mail drop – whatever the report shows works in your market) you can increase your sales without increasing your marketing budget.

AdTracker is just one of many features in FloristWare that will help retail floris increase sales and profits and take back control of their business.
