Scholarships For Florists

A complete guide to scholarships, grants, bursaries and other financial support for aspiring florists and designers that are looking for financial assistance to continue their education and career.

Whether you are someone who is passionate about flowers and considering a career as a florist, or a floral designer that wants to expand on their skills, you may be wondering if there are scholarships available to help you pay for or continue your education.

Fortunately, there are several scholarship programs specifically for students interested in pursuing or enhancing a career in the floral industry. The American Institute of Floral Designers Foundation scholarship program, for example, offers several different scholarship opportunities for floristry students of all levels. And the Society of American Florists offers both need-based and merit-based scholarships to help students cover the cost of tuition, books, and other necessary expenses.

So if you're dreaming of starting your own flower shop or becoming a master florist, don't let the cost of education hold you back. There are scholarship programs available to help make your dreams a reality.


AIFD Foundation

The AIFD Foundation offers twelve different scholarships, each with unique requirements.

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AIFD Northwest Chapter Scholarship

Limited to individuals residing in the Northwest Chapter: Alaska, Northern California, Idaho, Montana, Northern Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming and the Canadian Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia

Each year the Northwest Chapter of AIFD offers two scholarships for Education Only registration to the National Symposium – for an AIFD candidate already active in the floral industry and the other for a student currently enrolled in a accredited floral design program.

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AIFD South Central Chapter Scholarship

Limited to individuals residing in the South Central Chapter: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Texas

The South Central Chapter of AIFD sponsors a Symposium Scholarship each year that is awarded to an individual who resides in one of the South Central states, is an active member of the floral industry, has not previously attended an AIFD National Symposium or been approved for AIFD induction.

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American Floral Endowment

The American Floral Endowment (AFE) awards more than 30 scholarships to floriculture and horticulture students annually. Applications are due by May 1 each year.

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Arizona State Florists Association (ASFA)

The Arizona State Florists Association awards two scholarships to ASFA members each year, worth as much as $950. Both can be applied to the AzMF (Arizona Master Florist) Certification Program.

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Floral Association of the Rockies | Denise Capelli Scholarship

Individuals working in the floral industry who wish to advance their floral education can apply for up to $250.00 (one person for one year) to help subsidize educational opportunities provided through Floral Association of the Rockies (FAR) including (but not limited to) the Certified Professional Florist (CPF) program, convention and Hands-On Workshop registration and fees, and membership dues.

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Florida State Florists' Association Scholarships

The Florida State Florists' Association (FSFA) makes a number of scholarships available to members and aspiring florists from the state of Florida, including the FSFA Jeanne Parsons Scholarship, the FSFA William "Bill" Bobulinski Scholarship, the Florida Florist Fund Southern Conference Scholarship and the Florida Florist Fund Symposium Scholarship. Scholarships are typically awarded at the gala dinner held during the FSFA spring conference.

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Georgia Floral Association

The Georgia Floral Association (GFA) offers three scholarships worth as much as $1,000 to member florists. They include the Cherokee Rose Scholarship, the GFA Continuing Education Scholarship and the GFA Certification Scholarship.

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Great Lakes Floral Association

The Great Lakes Floral Association awards scholarships of up to $1000 in the form of a credit voucher that may be used to cover the cost of the many educational opportunities that the GLFA provides. Application deadline is June 30th each year. Applications can be made online


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James Lowe AIFD Symposium Scholarship

Floristware offers the James Lowe AIFD Symposium Scholarship to help one florist each year cover the cost of attending the annual AIFD Symposium.

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North Carolina State Florist Association Scholarship Program

The North Carolina State Florist Association (NCSFA) offers scholarships to help aspiring florists achieve certified professional florists (NCCPF) status. Applicants must be an active NCSFA member, or currently employed by an active NCSFA member shop.

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North Dakota Floral Association

The NDSFA offers the Jennifer Ross Janes Lowe Scholarship in the amount of $400.00 to be used for floral industry-related education from a NDFA Board approved facility or program. It is awarded based on the potential future development in the floral industry of the applicant.

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Texas State Floral Association

Applications Due March 15
The TSFA has an extensive and generous scholarship program. They offer ten different scholarship opportunities with values of as much as $3,000.

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WUMFA Scholarships

The Wisconsin and Upper Michigan Florist Association (WUMFA) offers floral industry scholarships in amounts up to $250.00. Funds may be used to cover any WUMFA Educational workshop or class, Certified Florist program, or registration for the Annual Convention (excluding the Saturday evening recognition banquet).

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Are We Missing Anything?

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Related Material

The American Floral Endowment (AFE) awards more than 30 scholarships to floriculture and horticulture students annually. Applications can be submitted between January and May 1 each year.
The American Floral Endowment (AFE) funds floriculture and horticulture research and scholarships to benefit the retail floral industry and general public.
The Wisconsin and Upper Michigan Florist's Association (WUMFA) offers members exceptional benefits and also promotes the public’s awareness of flowers.
The TSFA leads, unifies and promotes the floral industry while providing members with new ways to solve management problems and improve their skills.
The South Dakota Florists Association (SDFA) works to to advance the sale and service of flowers through education, events, and social functions: and to promote integrity, honesty, and professionalism in the floral industry.
The North Dakota Floral Association (formerly known as the North Dakota State Florists Association) educates member florists and advances the art and science of floral design throughout the state.
The Georgia Florist Association is a network of retail florists, designers, wholesalers and other industry professionals throughout the state who strive to be the best in the floral industry.
Proudly serving the floral community for over 100 years
FAR (Floral Association of the Rockies) is dedicated to promoting integrity, professionalism, and comradery within the floral industry.
ASFA is one of the oldest associations helping floral professionals statewide to work together to build a stronger, healthier industry, and positive image.