Real Local Florists (RLF) – Formerly Florists For Change (FFC)

A not-for-profit organization of florists formerly known as "Florists For Change" changed their name to "Real Local Florists Inc." in 2014.

In late July 2014 the organization known at the time as Florists For Change held a Technology and Profit Summit alongside their annual national meeting at the Las Vegas World Market. At this time they announced their new name, Real Local Florists Inc.

Another change involved what had been known as the "associate member" program. It was terminated, and replaced by a new membership structure which includes two levels of membership, one for real local florists and the other for floral industry service providers and suppliers. These would be known as "industry partners", and FloristWare continued on with Real Local Florists in this capacity.


Real Local Florists Annual Convention 2016

The first Real Local Florists Annual Convention was held in Las Vegas, July 31st through August 3rd 2016. Like the Florists For Change Summit that came before it this convention was presented with the help of the Las Vegas World Market. Registration was $229.99 (USD) for RLF members and $299.00 (USD) for non-members. There were more than twelve educational sessions in addition to discussion of the most pressing issues in the retail flower business.

Real Local Florists (RLF) – Formerly Florists For Change (FFC)

Last Updated: 10/22/2023

Proud Supporter of FFC

FloristWare is proud to have been one of the four original associate members of Florists For Change.

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