Royal Union of Belgian Florists (RUBF)

For over 80 years, the RUBF has represented the interests of professional florists in Belgium, to help grow and protect the industry.

For over 80 years, the RUBF has represented the interests of professional florists in Belgium, to help grow and protect the industry.

Regionally, the association has six sections: Antwerp, Brabant, the two Flanders, Limburg, Liège / Luxembourg / Namur and Hainaut. Sections can be responsible for their own activities and include a regional council.

The goal of the RUBF is to:

  • Help florists develop their business
  • Promote and protect the interests of the industry
  • Set professional standards
  • Promote its members
  • Represent the floral industry as a specific business sector

RUBF is member of FLORINT, The International Florist Association.

Royal Union of Belgian Florists

[email protected]

Avenue Croix de guerre 1
1120 Bruxelles

Last Updated: 07/21/2024


This organization is a member of FLORINT, an international non-profit group that represents and supports the florist associations of the world, improves the businesses of floral entrepreneurs and nurtures the flower industry as a whole.