Australian Floral Art Association

The Australian Floral Art Association (AFAA) is a non-profit organization serving as the parent body for regional floral art associations across Australia.

The AFAA is the parent body of the following organizations within Australia, each of whom is entitled to two delegates and an observer at AFAA meetings:

At this time there is no representation for the Northern Territory


The AFAA goals include the following: 

  • Promote Floral Art in Australia (education, competition, socially and culturally)
  • Promote networking and idea exhange between our members and also internationally
  • Promote the training and education of Floral Art judges, while improving the standards of floral art judging with Australia to ensure we are on par with the rest of the world
  • Promote and gain recognition for Australian floral art and artists 
  • Organize national flower shows


Australian Floral Art Association

[email protected]

Last Updated: 05/23/2021