True Cross-Platform (Windows/Mac) Compatibility

Fully featured flower shop software that works on the operating systems you know: Microsoft Windows and macOS.

Stay With The Operating Systems You Know...

Most florists use Microsoft Windows or macOS. They know and are comfortable with one or both of these operating systems and don't want to switch to a Linux based POS system. With FloristWare they don't have to – it is fully compatible with both Microsoft Windows and macOS.

In fact you can use both operating systems in the same flower shop. This is becoming increasingly popular, with managers and owners using Macs as their multi-purpose machines in the office, while using less expensive Windows machines as dedicated POS and order-taking terminals in the front of the store.

...Without Compromising Features

The floral POS systems that do promise Mac compatibility do it in a tricky way. Sometimes they aren't true POS systems but browser based alternatives – you're basically ordering from your own website on behalf of the customer. While they do offer the benefit of being compatible with both Windows PCs and Apple Macs they sacrifice power and features. The most common casualties are printing (unlike FloristWare these systems do not offer automated printing) and listing/reporting.

Another issue is speed – because everything has to move over the internet these systems tend to be slow (frustrating both the florist and their retail customers) and suffer frequent timeout errors.

The Only True Cross-Platform POS Software For Florists

FloristWare, the only true on-premise cross-platform software for retail flower shops, does not have any of these handicaps. It is the only system that offers all of the powerful features serious florists need on the Mac and Windows platforms they are comfortable with.

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FloristWare Features

Top Five Features For Florists
The five floral POS features florists tell us they are most interested in right now.
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See everything FloristWare has to offer retails florists.

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