You have better things to do...

Sales tax calculation and reporting is at best a nuisance. It's not fun and it doesn't help you grow your business. FloristWare helps you get it done quickly and accurately, freeing you up to concentrate on other things.


Powerful Sales Tax Calculation, Reporting and Compliance For Retail Flower Shops

Powerful tools ensure florists calculate & apply the correct sales taxes while making sales tax reporting & compliance easier than you imagined possible.

You know that the flower business is not like other retail! And that is never more true than when it comes to sales taxes.

Florists need to correctly calculate sales taxes based not just on where they are located (like most retailers) but the nature of the product and where it is beig delivered. In some cases they have to exempt specific sales taxes based on the type of product or the curtomer. They need fast and easy reporting, and a way to deal with sales tax audits should that ever happen.

FloristWare has you covered when it comes to the special sales tax challenges facing retail florists:

Sales Taxes By Destination

Do you deliver to differnt municipalites and/or states/provinces with different taxes, rates or exemption rules? Or deal with different taxation for differn types of products?

FloristWare automatically assures retail flower shops apply the correct sales taxes based on not just their location and the type of the product (product, delivery fee, service charge, gift card, etc.) but the type of product and where it is being delivered.


Sales Tax Exemptions By Product

Automatically exempt specifc products from specific taxes. Is your state tax not applicable to food baskets or delivery fees? Is municipal tax not applied to delivery fees on orders going to that municipality?

No problem! FloristWare will remember that and exempt sales taxes appropriately. Best of all it also automatically records the reason so the Sales Tax Exemption report shows why every sales tax exemption was made.


Sales Tax Exemptions By Customer

Automatically exempt specifc customers from specific sales taxes. Is a local chuch or other non-profit exempt from your state tax? Is another customer exempt from one or more sales taxes because they are a reseller?

No problem! FloristWare will remember what customers are exempt from specific sales taxes, and the reason why, then make the appropriate adjustments automatically. Best of all it also automatically records the reason for the exemption and includes it on the Sales Tax Exemption Report. It even lets you store copies scans of relevant documents business licenses, vendor permits, exemption certificates, etc. – another example of why FloristWare has the best reporting of all florist POS systems.


"On the Fly" Sales Tax Exemptions

There may be times you want to make a quick, "on the fly" adjustment to sales taxes while making a sale. Maybe you need to switch the tax that is being applied, remove taxes (a new cusomer is buying on behalf of a tax exempt organization), or apply taxes for a customer that is normally exempt (a reseller is buying for their personal use).

FloristWare allows you to do that. You can limit the ability to specific users (maybe you don't want junior employees to have thies ability) using the powerful and higly granular security/access controls.

And every time a manual adjustment is made to sales taxes and their application/exemption FloristWare records the name of the user and their reason for doing it, to make reporting and any future audits a breeze.


Fast & Easy Yet Powerful & Detailed Reporting

Most florists have to report on sales taxes once a month, sometimes to multiple different authorites, often facing penalties if they don't do it promptly.

Nobody likes running sales tax reports but FloristWare makes it easy. You'll get a report that shows what was collected, what was exempted and why.

Generate and print, save or export a detailed sales report in seconds and get back to what you really want to be doing. Whether it's designing, building your business or getting back to your family (or out on the golf course) you'll be doing it sooner.


Accounting Made Easy And Accurate

The sales tax calculation and reporting features in FloristWare are sealessly integrated with the best accounting features available to retail florists.

Report on sales taxes aney number of ways, choosing the one that makes the moist sense for your business. One popular option is the Sales Tax report, another is the GL report – FloristWare lets you assigh each sales tax to whatever GL account you like, and you have full control over the GL accounts.


Never Fear An Audit

When most florists get a request for more information from a sales tax agency it fills them with dread as they contemplate the massive amout of time it will take to prepare, and the penalties they might incur.

The Sales Tax Exemption report doesn't just show you what was exempted but why, how and by who. It gives you everything they want – the details for every single exemption, even links to supporting documetation, like business licenses, vendor permits, etc. – in seconds.


Full Sales Tax Support For Canadian Florists

For most POS systems the Canadian market is an afterthought, and Canadian florists are left to piece together features and reports that were designed for US flower shops.

But FloristWare values our Canadian clients and fully addresses their very different sales tax situation by properly applying and reporting on the sometime complicated mix of National (GST), Provincial (PST & QST) and homogenized (HST) sales taxes. This is just one of the reasons why FloristWare is the best POS system for Canadian florists.


Worried About The New Colorado Retail Delivery Fee Sales Tax?

In May 2022 the state of Colorado introduced a new sales tax called the "Retail Delivery Fee" that retail florists have to start collecting on July 1, 2022. It seems rushed, and it's a new kind of tax with some pretty crazy rules that could definitely cause florists some trouble. If you aren't familiar with it we have an FAQ to get you up to speed.

At FloristWare we have always taken the unglamorous job of sales tax collection and reporting seriously and have made sure that our flower shop software will automate the correct calculation of these new delivery fees, properly disclose them on receipts and invoices, and offer a simple report that makes filling out the new delivery fee return form DR 1786 quick and easy. FloristWare makes it easy for Colorado florists to do everything right.

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