A Better, Easier Way To Collect, Distribute & Account For Tips In Your Flower Shop

FloristWare takes the headache out of tipping in the flower business – making it easy for owners and managers to account for and fairly distribute tips (even those placed online) among their employees.

Employees love the idea of benefitting from tips, and allowing for tips in your flower shop might seem like an easy decision. But, without a plan, it quickly becomes a nightmare for owners and managers who need to keep track of – and properly account for – tips from multiple sources (in-person/phone orders, your website) and then fairly distribute them among employees.

The goos news is that FloristWare makes it easy.


FloristWare Makes It Easy To Add Tips To A Sale

When you are making a sale or entering an order FloristWare makes it very easy to add tips of any amount. Tips will appear on receipts/invoices with an appropriatetly appreciative comment that you set, and they will be handled correctly for accounting and sales tax purposes. Most importantly FloristWare will help you distribute them fairly among your employees later.


FloristWare Gets The Accounting Right...

Accounting for tips is tricky but FloristWare has you covered. Our powerful accounting features make sure that tips and gratuities are not subjects to sales tax and not counted as revenue, and clear journal entries that make sense of exactly what is going on will keep your bookkeeper, accountant, and tax agencies happy.


...Even With Web Orders!

If your website is integrated with FloristWare any tips placed on that website will automatically be handled correctly too.


FloristWare Makes It Easy To Distribue Tips Fairly

When your flower shop does not collect a lot of tips the time it takes to calculate how they should be distributed amongst the staff can be really frustrating – it seems like a lost of work for a small amount of money. And if you collect a lot of tips accurate distribution becomes critical. Whatever your situation you need a floral pos system that helps you divide tips fairly and easily.

FloristWare uses a special formula that distributes tips based on the amount collected and the hours worked by each employee each day. We won't go into all the details here (we would however love to discuss it over the phone) but this consistent, clear-cut and fair approach makes things easy for management and reduces confusion and resentment among your staff.

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